We had a great youth event at the club this past weekend. Over 50 competitors fenced across 4 events, ranging from Youth-8 to Youth-14. Our fencers placed in the following spots:

Y8 Foil – 17 competitors

  • Callum Ray – 1st place!
  • Claire Lin – 12th place

Y10 Foil – 14 competitors

  • Landen Harry – 5th place
  • Matthew Dobrenko – 6th place
  • Trevor Chong – 7th place
  • John Lin – 8th place
  • Corinna Potavin – 11th place
  • Nikita Parkhomovsky – 12th place

Y12 Foil – 8 competitors

  • John Lin – 1st palce
  • Tatyana Bulava – 3rd place
  • Elizabeth Bekiyants – 5th place
  • Alina Naymanova – 6th place
  • Corinna Potavin – 8th place

Y14 Foil – 7 competitors

  • Dylan Tchigirinski – 5th place
  • Lucas Xu – 7th place

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